Sunday, September 9, 2007

Anodising sorted

The anodising tank has been playing up of late, At first I thought it was some dodgy metal that Keith gave me, but we had a bit of a shed party the other day and another job screwed up. I'd put some fresh acid in for it too. I spent nearly all of yesterday trying to figure the bloody thing out. Turns out that one of the electrode clips had corroded ALMOST to the point of being open circuit and was dropping enough voltage that the part was still anodising, but the current density was so low that no dye would stick to it. (Pore size is a function of current density).
It actually only took me an hour or so to figure this out, but murphy and a nasty hangover from the shed party ganged up on me and the fault was masked by a bunch of other things going wrong. Still, got there in the end. Apologies for those who've been waiting on jobs, I'm working through the backlog.

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